Monday, November 14, 2011

Steve Jobs

1.someone was fun,mean,genius, revolutionary, nerd and legendary.He was a cool person to hang out with..

2.steve jobs was apart of pixar.he helped create toy story.

3. Steve Jobs was more creative then bill gates and he look  outside of every thing  to find  answers. steve gate  never keep it original.

4.his workers said that he was a type of person who would like you if you did him a favor and did it well because if you didn't he wouldn't like you.He was very in control  with work. was able to be successful  because he was able to always be determined to do better and when he would event something he would always set a gaol to make something even better.

6.The jobs that steve jobs had help was music,communication, and computers,telephone.

7.I think steve jobs  and is crew did create a big impact one the world and  how we do things like the film describes.

8.well we use them for music and communications,school and fun.

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