Thursday, December 8, 2011


The student I had interviewed was Natalie Washington a sac high senior. Natalie says that being a sac high senior is hard work.When she was  a joiner she thought being a senior would be ease but she thought wrong."Being a senior you are required to do a lot of things," natalie said,there are college application you have to fell out  you have to write college inception  exception letters and it also the year that you really what to do your best on because yours last year.Beside all the hard work she also says it sad, knowing that its your last year of  high school  and after you graduate your off to college and have to start all over.One of the question i had Natalie was if she had seniorites  witch is when a senior at the lack of motivation to study at the end of the school year. Natalie said no because it not really at the end of the school year but she said she might have a low case of when that time comes.The thing that helps here form getting seniorites its to think positive about the hard work that she is doing that going to tho make a different in here future.Being a senior at sac high is different from being at any other school is that the teacher expect high exceptions for the students,no matter how bad you you did in  high school the still try to lead you on your way to college.One thing that natalie says is that the teachers at sac high help so much to get to college and she believe at anywhere school you have to seek the teacher to find help teacher here come to us to help.